Keynote topics
Lindsey can bring to your organization
Lindsey will get to know you and the needs of your audience to customize any talk to be a perfect fit for your event. All talks are available in-person or in a virtual format.
The Gift of Perspective
In this talk, Lindsey will use her personal stories and gripping photos to highlight how she overcame the major life challenges of an amputation and needing a double lung transplant (all while being a wife, mom, and corporate executive). She translates these engaging stories into incredibly inspiring, actionable, and relatable takeaways to all, helping people navigate any challenge. Perfect for all audiences. As a previous client said, "There isn't an audience I wouldn't put Lindsey in front of...".
The Resilient Leader
As a corporate officer and Senior VP of a major company and as a person who has faced two life-defining health challenges, Lindsey knows a thing or two about resilience. In this talk, Lindsey will tell the stories of her leg amputation and double lung transplant (two events nearly a decade apart), sharing what she’s learned about the art of resilience straight from the trenches. She will also highlight inspiring stories of resilience from famous overcomers and interesting people she’s met along the way. These stories provide an engaging set of metaphors, but most importantly result in practical ideas for anyone on becoming more resilient, which is a critical skill for successful leadership.
Why We Tell Our Stories
We all have stories. Life, as it turns out, happens to each of us. It is powerful to tell our stories because, when we share, others may learn from the paths we have uniquely traveled. And each time we tell our stories, we add to our collective wisdom, creating more empathy and understanding as we go. Ultimately, storytelling reminds us that we are all in this together. Through a set of unique life challenges - a boating accident that nearly claimed her life and resulted in a leg amputation - and being diagnosed with a rare and progressive disease leading to a double lung transplant - Lindsey has stories to share. In addition, she's met others with amazing stories and insights to share when they've chose to open up. Through this collection of thought-provoking stories and actionable takeaways, your audience will be inspired to consider being more vulnerable and authentic through the telling of their own stories.
The Power of Vantage Points
How we see things is more important than what happens to us. This talk is all about the power we have to change how we see and experience any challenge or opportunity by actively shifting our vantage point. This is a deep dive into the concept of perspective, which is the most powerful tool Lindsey has learned in her quest to overcome life's challenges. Audience members will have the opportunity to apply these ideas against any challenge in their own life, seeing for themselves the power of actively and purposefully controlling what they can control - their vantage point.